We have opened applications for the #inspirationforumlab 2023/24 and invite European artists, filmmakers, designers, scientists, researchers, and experts from other fields to join us for the second edition of the interdisciplinary research program designed to provide a space where artists and scientists can meet and work together on creating collaborative research-based art projects.
Theme: Bodies of Water
“We are all bodies of water! What we do to water, we do to everybody, including ourselves.” The words of cultural theorist Astrida Neimanis not only challenge us to reflect on our relationship with water, but are also a call to action. They suggest that by opening up to a different ethic of relation and care between humans and planetary waters, we can also find a new way of connecting to the rest of nature.
What to expect?
– 3 residencies at MFDF Ji.hlava (CZ), Kersnikova (SI), Sensorium (SK)
– theoretical lectures and workshops with experts from both artistic and non-artistic fields
– group research
– development & production of art projects
– project consultations with tutors
– presentation of final art projects
Key tutors
– Lenka Hámošová, visual artist and researcher working with synthetic media and the use of artificial intelligence in artistic creation
– Barbora Kleinhamplová, visual artist working with performative situations, often mediated through video and installation
– Jurij Krpan, curator focusing on contemporary investigative arts thematizing the impact of new technologies on individuals and society
Deadline: 4 September 2023
The IF lab is organized by Ji.hlava, Inspiration forum Lab, Kapelica Gallery, Sensorium Festival and Display.cz.
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