Mae Lubetkin / Kosmas Dinh / Michal Mitro

Mae Lubetkin
Kosmas Dinh
Michal Mitro

The trio of artists Mae Lubetkin, Kosmas Dinh and Michal Mitro recently returned from the Danube Delta in Romania, where they recorded the vibrations of habitats using a contact accelerometer. As part of the sound performance at Sensorium, they will present the sonic part of the work Amphibious Tremology, which recontextualizes the act of listening from its sonic essence to the observation and sonification of so-called vibroscapes.
These haptic audio experiences trace the biophony of the river, its transformations, the quivering mass of amphibious worlds, and audio messages from the invisible more-than-human world.
By sounding the vibrations of the delta, we tune in to the ambient memory of this fascinating, incredibly rich environment. Even before the concert, the authors will talk about the Amphibious Tremology project as part of a presentation at the Goethe Institute in Bratislava.

Amphibious Tremology is part of the Bodies of Water: Work in progress showcase of the Inspiration Forum Lab. IF LAB is organized by the Inspiration Forum in cooperation with the Kersnikova Institute, Display, Sensorium. The IF LAB project is co-financed by the European Union.